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Pain On Beauty

written by Tanya Low



It was grey...everything.  Spinning.  Didn't feel like I could trust anyone.  A season of trauma, loss and betrayal. I grasped for peace. It felt like I was riding a swinging pendulum, barely holding onto strength before losing it again. Maybe you can relate. A wise mentor spoke this truth:  "Pain and beauty CAN coexist." A few days later, I forced myself to go for a walk. I looked down at my cold driveway and the dismal brown, dead grasses of impending fall; I was numb. Then out from the pavement popped these purple flowers with yellow middles. A flutter of hope filled my heart, and I was reminded of the truth that beauty is here, now. In the midst of my pain.  Can't explain God's comfort, but I grabbed ahold. I am so so thankful that Jesus has always been here with me, through every trial, all my life. So faithful to hold me when I'm hurting.


King David (the psalmist) wrote:  "Why so downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God." Inspired by his openness in the psalms, I've always loved here how his spirit reaches out to his heart and soul. Yes, talking to yourself can be helpful!! It's scary to be open, with others and even with ourselves. Eventually what is hidden gets brought to light. Better to talk about it than to bottle up and compress it until it explodes. I love poetry and music because they move me past the abstract to something that feels concrete. Can you find a way to bring all that pain to the One who wants to give you a new start, help you heal and just hold you? God is here, ready. He can take ALL of what you're feeling. He loves you so much!

Pain On Beauty

Pain On Beauty Tanya Low
00:00 / 00:43

You've been taking one punch

After another

And trust is gone as you run for cover

What once was lovely

Turned to sorrow

And what was full

Is empty, hollow.  Ohh...

Pain, nestle in to beauty

Gentle and kind for weary hearts

Bathe in waters healing

Pain, lay your head on beauty

There're still purple flowers

With yellow middles

And snowflakes givin' our nose a tickle

And rain falls and leaves its fragrance

And the sun goes up

And down in radiance.  Ohh...

Pain, nestle in to beauty

Gentle and kind for weary hearts

Bathe in waters healing

Pain, lay your head on beauty

He gathers the lambs in his arms

And he carries them close to his heart

He loves you, he's got you

He loves you, he carries you

Close to his heart, ahh....

Pain, nestle in to beauty

Gentle and kind for weary hearts

Bathe in waters healing

Pain, lay your head on beauty

Joy is coming in the morning...

Written by Tanya Low

Strings arr. by Jim Frazier

Strings performed by David Davidson and friends

Piano:  Tanya Low

Keep Up With Tanya

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